Alexa Serra  ·  February 28 2024 

Edge AI: How your app development partner can bring artificial intelligence to the devices near you

How can the everyday user enjoy the benefits of AI without needing expensive gadgets or impossibly fast data networks?

How can the everyday user enjoy the benefits of AI without needing expensive gadgets or impossibly fast data networks? With the help of edge AI, app development companies can quickly empower applications with Artificial Intelligence.

We’ve all heard of artificial intelligence, and most of us more or less understand what it does and how it works. We have even used it in mobile applications, websites, and many other different scenarios in our everyday lives. However, recent strides have been made in terms of what artificial intelligence can do at the user level, and in the dynamic realm of app development, the integration of Edge AI into our most used devices has emerged as a transformational force that is opening up new highways for putting the benefits of edge computing in the palm of our hands.

So, seeing that edge AI is poised to revolutionize how we interact with technology, we think it’s exciting to explore the realm of edge AI and unravel how your trusted app development partner can bring the profound capabilities of Artificial Intelligence to the devices near you. Let’s see!

What is edge AI?

What is edge AI?

Edge AI, or edge artificial intelligence, is the implementation and deployment of AI functionality, algorithms, models, and other applications directly on edge devices such as smartphones, IoT devices, and tablets. It’s called “edge AI” because it takes artificial intelligence processing and computations closer to the edge or source of the data instead of centralized servers or the cloud and, thus, makes data processing faster and more accessible to users. This capability doesn’t require an internet connection, meaning it allows for information to be processed in a matter of milliseconds, and responses to requests are delivered instantly. As a result, edge AI brings forth a paradigm shift and provides unparalleled advantages ranging from faster data processing times and heightened efficiency to more responsive user experiences and lower latency.

In this new landscape of innovation that edge AI proposes, app developers are responsible for effectively integrating it into your applications, helping you unlock a spectrum of capabilities that redefine what your devices can do. We also play a pivotal role in harnessing the power and potential of edge AI and ensuring all users enjoy its seamless incorporation into various mobile and software applications.

How can your app development partner bring edge AI to the devices near you?

How can your app development partner bring edge AI to the devices near you?

It’s a fact: the success of edge AI in mobile and software applications relies heavily on the expertise of your app development partner. From enhancing your smart devices’ speed, reliability, and intelligence to building applications that make on-the-spot decisions, your app development partner is the architect of how you can enjoy artificial intelligence on your everyday gadgets and apps. Here’s a quick guide on how app developers can implement edge AI in the devices near you.

  • Integrate edge AI models into applications: Your app development partner must have the expertise to integrate edge AI seamlessly into your applications. This involves embedding artificial intelligence models directly into the app’s codebase using frameworks and libraries such as TensorFlow Lite or Core ML, which enable on-device AI processing.

  • Optimize edge AI on your devices: Your app development partner needs to optimize the edge AI models to be deployed on your devices depending on their model, OS, computational capacity, and memory requirements, among other specific considerations, to ensure optimal app performance, especially on resource-constrained devices.

  • Add personalization capabilities: Wouldn’t you love having an app that knows what you want before you even express it? Your app development partner understands this and knows one size doesn’t fit all. When your app development partner integrates edge AI into mobile apps, it analyzes your behaviors and historical data to make highly accurate personalized recommendations that resonate with your individual tastes.

  • Add offline capabilities: One of the critical benefits of edge AI is that it allows applications to function without an internet connection. Your app development partner must ensure that your app can operate smoothly and perform AI-related tasks in environments with intermittent, low, or non-existent internet connection. This functionality is critical because, in some cases, it can be a nice perk. Still, in other scenarios, it is especially valuable for critical applications, such as medical ones, which cannot afford downtime.

By following these and more practices, your app development partner can bring the power of edge AI straight into the palm of your hands. The proper and responsible integration of edge AI ensures that your mobile and software applications are intuitive, user-friendly, efficient, and secure.

How can your app development overcome the challenges of implementing edge AI?

How can your app development overcome the challenges of implementing edge AI?

Since edge AI technology for mobile and software app development is still nascent, your app development partner needs to tackle the challenges associated with its implementation to ensure it is optimized for all your devices, especially if they have varying capabilities. Most edge devices you use daily, such as smartphones and tablets, often have limited processing power, memory, and storage capabilities, meaning your app development partner must optimize AI models and algorithms to run efficiently and make instant responses on these resource-constrained devices without compromising app performance. Moreover, processing sensitive data on the edge means that your personal information must be protected at all times, forcing your app development partner to implement robust privacy measures, such as on-device processing, to ensure the safekeeping of all sensitive information at all times. So, through meticulous fine-tuning and strategic implementation, they can ensure that your software and mobile applications deliver a seamless and efficient user experience every time.

Final word

Final word

Your app development partner ensures edge AI is more than just a technological upgrade. They can make edge AI become a transformative force that shapes the future of mobile and software applications and enhances the way you interact with your devices daily. They are the ones who orchestrate the fusion of all things edge AI inside your home, building a connected ecosystem where all your edge devices are fully capable of making intelligent decisions, creating a strategic collaboration between you, your app development partner, and edge AI. This synergy places the power of artificial intelligence in your hands and ensures that your applications are always innovative and make your life better and a whole lot easier.

Here at Foonkie Monkey, we understand the importance of innovation, and AI is a priority for us. We always strive to build mobile and software applications that add value to our users’ lives, so if you have any questions regarding edge AI or want us to become your next app development partner, get in touch! We’re more than happy to help.

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