Alexa Serra  ·  May 25 2022 

Foonkie Monkey is recognized as a top B2B company for 2022!

We’ve made Clutch’s top B2B Colombian companies for 2022, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to be recognized as a leader in our own country!

We’ve made Clutch’s top B2B Colombian companies for 2022, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to be recognized as a leader in our own country!

There’s nothing new about it: mobile applications are running the world. We can’t deny that businesses, both big and small, and everyday people like you and me, are adopting these little bits of technology as lifelines to help us perform our daily tasks. Mobile apps are changing how we interact with technology, from simple assignments such as scheduling and setting reminders to more complex enterprises such as AI-based training. As a result, users are becoming more demanding, and the app development ecosystem is becoming increasingly competitive.

We’ve experienced firsthand how hard it can be to stand out and remain relevant in an industry that evolves at neck-breaking speeds. However, thanks to our ever-growing client base, our experience and resilience, and our outstanding work, we’ve managed to keep climbing to the top of the industry and remain relevant and on par with the app development ecosystem’s standards. For this reason, we value every recognition and award we receive and cherish each one as they are a testament to our hard work and constant effort to deliver innovative, high-quality digital products consistently. This time around, we’ve been recognized as one of our country’s top B2B companies by Clutch!

Who is Foonkey Monkey?

But wait…who is Foonkey Monkey?

If you’ve worked with us already, then you know who we are. But, if you’ve just stumbled upon us, then know this: we’re not your ordinary, everyday app development company. With over ten years of experience, more than 200 apps developed, 3000 downloads on both Apple’s app store and Google Play, and hundreds of happy clients across more than 15 countries worldwide, we are known for making innovative and groundbreaking products that change people’s lives. Since the day our two co-founders, Camilo and Carlos, conceived the idea of creating a company that makes ideas come true, Foonkey Monkey has been known for delivering applications and custom software solutions that stand the test of time. All our products are one-of-a-kind, innovative, and cost-effective and aim to provide unique experiences to users, which is one of the main reasons we stand out among the sea of talent that is the modern app development ecosystem. We believe remaining competitive isn’t about having thousands of clients or budgets of millions of dollars. Remaining competitive lies in building cutting-edge, innovative, and visually stunning products that meet our users’ needs and deliver one-of-a-kind user experiences, regardless of how much they cost or how sophisticated they are. It’s all about making ideas come true.

We at Foonkey Monkey are also known for our DevOps work methodology, which allows us to always ensure that our products are flawless and bulletproof with unparalleled structural stability, high performance, and an exceptional user experience. We focus our business practices on cross-disciplinary methodologies that guarantee cost-efficiency and innovation in all of our development processes. Additionally, our custom app and software solutions are created using last-generation technologies like Blockchain, Cloud Computing, and AI.

Moreover, we’ve consistently enforced dynamic hiring practices and a work culture that have given our company the privilege of working with a stellar team of professionals. Our team members are the cornerstone of our company, and we consider them an integral part of our success and who we are as an enterprise. They have a say in every decision we make as a company. So, in conjunction with our client’s vision and ideas and the knowledge and experience we’ve amassed in 10 years, we can proudly say that each one of our products has a piece of uniqueness and humanity in them that makes them the beautiful, one-of-a-kind, and robust pieces of technology our clients adore!

Clutch’s recognition

Clutch’s recognition

Clutch has released their top Colombian B2B companies ranking for 2022, and Foonkey Monkey has made the list, taking the coveted first spot in the country! Clutch, a market research platform that provides ratings and reviews and is known for its unique and informative ranking methodologies, has taken into account our experience and our client’s ratings to grant us this invaluable recognition which represents a milestone for our company.

Clutch’s Senior Account Executive Dayasia Mason said: “The ability to excel even in the face of multiple challenges is a feat worthy of praise. It’s our honor to be able to identify the companies that do this on a regular basis and give them the attention they deserve.”

Colombia, our home country, is slowly but surely becoming a haven for app development companies and is experiencing considerable growth in terms of its business environment and the increasing support the app development industry is giving to emerging companies. Of course, the country’s challenges are undeniable. Still, companies like us are a testament to how the efforts and output of the Colombian development industry are slowly starting to see considerable benefits.

Clutch’s researchers carefully spotlighted and recognized the most prominent and outstanding Colombian companies for 2022, which they then translated into a ranking of 115 top-performing companies that achieve the coveted goal of staying competitive and excelling in the B2B ecosystem. Additionally, Clutch uses reviews, past work, company size, market presence, and specialization in a given industry to determine which companies are worthy of their appreciation. Finally, their analysts use this information to determine the top companies that meet their criteria and standards and thus deserve a spot on one of their coveted lists. That being said, it’s easy to understand why this recognition is such a big deal for us. For Foonkie Monkey, meeting Clutch’s criteria is a milestone since their site lists more than 150.000 development agencies, 36.000 reviews, and 100 survey reports. Needless to say, the competition is fierce. So, standing out among such a big pool of talent is priceless for us and highlights the fact that our work is on par with the highest standards of app development worldwide.

We’re very thankful!

We’re very thankful!

We pride ourselves on being one of the top app development companies worldwide. However, we also pride ourselves on being more than just your ordinary app development company; we are a development partner. Our priority is always to make our clients’ ideas and visions a reality and bring them to life to surpass any expectations they might have. We thrive in helping startups and businesses of all walks of life move in the right direction and achieve their goals while also working towards achieving our own. For that, we have made it our purpose to consistently work closely with our clients, build a strong rapport with them, and bring our team members close to them to successfully pinpoint their needs and understand their goals and business structure to create the perfect product for them.

Every award and recognition we receive results from our hard work, and as such, we appreciate them all. Making Clutch’s top Colombian B2B companies wouldn’t have been possible without our amazing clients, their reviews, and our beyond stellar staff members. Foonkie Monkey would’ve never made it this far if it weren’t for our rockstar team giving it their all every single day and loving every single part of their job. Having a clear vision, a fantastic team, and a solid client base is the best way to keep thriving and make sure we do our part for the app development industry and keep carrying the torch as industry leaders. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

If you want to work with an awarded app development partner, let’s talk! We’ll make your idea a reality!

Let's do something great